Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Ahead of Their Time"

"Ahead of Their Time"
An Arthouse Exhibition 

Our dear community member, Nany Zepeda, entered the contest, "Ahead of Their Time", for School Aged Youth and was awarded a place on the Gallery wall. The opening reception was held Saturday March 31st at The Jones Center, 700 Congress Avenue in Austin. Her photo and all contestant entries will be on view here through April 22nd.

Nany is overjoyed with her inclusion in the project and says "This contest gives the opportunity to young artists around Austin to be part of an official art exhibition in one of the most influential places that any artist living in Austin dreams to be a part of...the Universe chose me and one of the photographs of India to be one of the blessed artists featured in this exhibition."

NANY ZEPEDA's Featured Photograph

Nany also asks us to "celebrate with me, the magic of art through photography, but most importantly to celebrate the mysteries of India reflected on the eyes of humanity."

Nany is very active in the Amala community:  Participating in Young Artists in ServiceBhatti Mines School , and  One Village Projects.

Nany traveled to India on Service Retreat with the Amala Foundation- Bhatti Mines School Project.  Here she worked with the community and school, headed by Mr. Santosh Singh. The retreat creates a wonderful sharing between the school children, families and travellers. There is much work and play and deep learning that occurs on these occasions.  

Ms. Zepeda is a bright shining lady who is usually found smiling and hugging and laughing. She has been known to say supportive and powerful things to her friends when they need to hear a comforting word. Living large and much beyond her years, she has a grasp of Universal Humanity, that she shares through her art and words here..

"In November of last year, I travel to India for two weeks and a half. One of the most amazing and powerful experiences that I have ever had in my life.  All the mysteries of India hold space for me to exerience myself even deeper; in many way I never thought possible. The trip impact me so deeply that the repurcussions still here, in my everyday life. One of the great impacts that I had from this was reflected on one of my biggest passions. ART!

While in India, I got to take photographs of many of our family member of India. In their faces the reflection of love and gratitude was alive and vibrant. However, every time I took a picture I wasn't thinking about a "Masterpiece" or an "Art Compassion." Every shoot was just a human to human  connection that a simple camera give to me and the side effect was that I was creating a masterpiece with every shoot.
And on the past few months these photographs have given me what India did.....the opportunity to experience myself even more deeply. 
The photographs had won many contests and recognized by so many people, But most importantly they met India through my art."

Many community members were on hand at the unveiling reception and a few  are pictured below.  Thank you all for your continued support of Nany, the Youth and our Community! Peace and Love... and ART :)

Nany with Linda Freiheit

Tammy Howard and Daughter Amber :)

Crystal Schrieber and Jake Howard

Nany and Maya Adjianai

Majida Al-Hussaam
Maya and Kris "Cricket" Ferrari

Nany and Veronica